2024-2025 Seminars
Epiphany term
Date | Time | Location | Title | Speaker | Institution |
22/01/2025 | 12pm-1pm | OCW017 | Controlling the properties of ions and radicals at low temperatures | Brianna Heazlewood | University of Liverpool |
05/02/2025 | 12pm-1pm | OCW017 | Atomic beam sources and quantum sensors for absolute neutrino mass and antimatter gravity | Stephen Hogan | University College London (UCL) |
12/02/2025 | 12pm-1pm | Ph8 | Optical atomic clocks: progress towards a new SI second and tests of fundamental physics | Anne Curtis | National Physical Laboratory (NPL) |
19/02/2025 | 12pm-1pm | OCW017 | Coherent control of three-atom Rydberg states: Research at an American liberal arts college | Aaron Reinhard | Kenyon College - Leverhulme Visiting Professor at Durham University |
26/02/2025 | 12pm-1pm | OCW017 | Alex Guttridge | Durham University, QLM |
Past seminars can be found here: