2023-2024 Seminars

Michaelmas term

Date Time Location Title Speaker Institution
11/10/2023 12pm-1pm OCW017 Long-range interactions in the classroom (Caroline: an open-source presenter platform to promote real-time interactivity) Stuart Adams Durham University
18/10/2023 12pm-1pm OCW017 Laser cooled molecules for tests of fundamental physics Jongseok Lim Imperial College, London
25/10/2023 12pm-1pm OCW017 Towards quantum optics with Brillouin scattering Michael R. Vanner Imperial College, London
01/11/2023 12pm-1pm D110 (Archaeology) Precision measurement of the electrons electric dipole moment: searching for new physics with trapped molecular ions Luke Caldwell University College, London
08/11/2023 12pm-1pm OCW017 Developing a hybrid tweezer array of ultracold molecules and Rydberg atoms Kai Voges Imperial College, London
15/11/2023 12pm-1pm OCW017 Optical response of a quantum degenerate gas Amita Deb University of Birmingham
22/11/2023 12pm-1pm OCW017 Manoeuvring chemical reactions one degree of freedom at a time Jutta Toscano University of Basel
29/11/2023 12pm-1pm OCW017 How do chemical bonds break in ultrastrong coupling? Felipe Herrera University of Santiago

Epiphany term

Date Time Location Title Speaker Institution
17/01/2024 12pm-1pm OCW017 Searching for the right experiment: Cs-Ag mixtures and very dipolar molecules Philip Gregory Durham University
24/01/2024 11am-12pm Online Phononic frequency combs Adarsh Venkataraman Ganesan Ahmedabad University, India
31/01/2024 12pm-1pm OCW017 Laser applications in atmospheric sensing and environmental monitoring Thomas Wall RAL Space
07/02/2024 12pm-1pm OCW017 Unravelling the extreme: Matter in intense laser fields and the physics of attosecond time scales Carla Figueira de Morrison Faria University College, London
14/02/2024 12pm-1pm Ph30 Electromagnetic Induction Imaging with Atomic Magnetometers Ben Maddox Durham University
21/02/2024 12pm-1pm OCW017 The role of quantum chaos in ultracold molecular collisions James Croft Durham University, Department of Chemistry
28/02/2024     No seminar - MPhys project seminar week    
06/03/2024 12pm-1pm OCW017 Deep Science @ Boulby Underground Laboratory Sean Paling STFC Boulby Mine Project
13/03/2024 12pm-1pm OCW017 Micro-fabricated atomic sensors James McGilligan University of Strathclyde

Summer term

Date Time Location Title Speaker Institution
1/05/2024 12pm-1pm Ph30 A journey to running the UK’s Deep Underground Laboratory Emma Meehan Deep Science @ Boulby Underground Laboratory
22/05/2024 12pm-1pm Ph30 From trilobite molecules to tight-binding models Matt Eiles MPI PKS
24/05/2024 12pm-1pm W309 Fresnel Zone Plate Waveguides for Atom Interferometry: Towards a low Size Weight and Power Atomic Sagnac Interferometer Iain MacCuish Strathclyde
5/06/2024 12pm-1pm OCW017 First year talk Archie Baldock Durham QLM
12/06/2024 12pm-1pm OCW017 First year talk Ryuji Moriya Durham QLM
19/06/2024 12pm-1pm OCW017 First year talk Tom Hepworth Durham QLM