2024-2025 Seminars
Michaelmas term
Date | Time | Location | Title | Speaker | Institution |
23/10/2024 | 12pm-1pm | OCW017 | Many-Body Quantum Chaos and Spectral Form Factor | Amos Chan | Lancaster University |
30/10/2024 | 12pm-1pm | OCW017 | Micro optics for large telescopes | Rob Harris | Durham University CfAI |
6/11/2024 | 12pm-1pm | OCW017 | Quantum sensors for Earth observation and fundamental physics | Anna Marchant | RAL Space |
13/11/2024 | 12pm-1pm | Ph30 | Bose polarons in a box | Christoph Eigen | University of Cambridge |
20/11/2024 | 12pm-1pm | OCW017 | Exploring Quantum Phenomena: From Light-atom Interaction in Vapour Cell to Ultracold Molecule Formation | Arpita Das | Durham QLM |
4/12/2024 | 12pm-1pm | OCW017 | A Panpsychist Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics | Philip Goff | Durham University, Dept. of Philosophy |
11/12/2024 | 12pm-1pm | OCW017 | Abrikosov lattice formation in mixed real-synthetic dimensional condensates | Holly Middleton-Spencer | University of Birmingham |