Stuart Adams (Durham University)

Long-range interactions in the classroom

(Caroline: an open-source presented platform to promote real-time interactivity)

Although we often use computers for presentations, many of us are failing to exploit the incredible range of real-time interactivity that the internet allows.

To address this, former Durham PhD student, Nikola Sibalic, developed an open-source Python based platform that links the presenter to each person in the audience. We called the platform Caroline after Caroline Herschel [1].

In this talk, I will highlight some of the functionality of Caroline. As well as quizzes, cameras, annotations, video etc., I will focus on two features, in particular. First, a traffic light system that gives the speaker real-time feedback on whether we need more detail or we can move on. Second, I will illustrate the use of interactive figures to present a concept. When coupled with real-time quizzes these can give the speaker direct feedback on what works and what doesn’t.

